Wednesday, August 1, 2012

From 1 to 10 he's...

From 1 to 10 he's...

Ok! so i found this picture online, and all i could think of was: "SO TRUE!!"

Well i thought that for about 5 sec. which made me wonder how guys really rate girls from 1 to 10, so i googled it. I found so many sites where they broke it down to what exactly each   number would mean! It was kind of sad, in a way, that that is how they think of Numbers!! Anyway, after searching all that, i wondered if there's any sites about how girls rate guys, but strangely, there was nothing. I subconsciously started coming up with a scale for them, i mean not as revenge or anything but mostly because i know that I've done the whole "rate him" with my friends, and I'm pretty sure every girl has as well. So here goes nothing, but just to make things clear, this is mine and my friend's opinion! so don't go all "that's not how i do it!", "pshhh whatever" or " not true!" lol because it might not be true for every girl ok?? ok:)


10: Extremely rare! just gorgeous with a hotness level that is indescribable. For many girls, their    crushes are a ten even if others say otherwise just because when a girls likes someone, EVERITHING (with some exeptions) they do is hot ;).

9: This is the kind of guy that even if you don't know him, you feel that you should stop and stare at him because he is so flawless and hot! The guy that you dream about being with but feel unworthy...I

8: Cute,hot guy who may meet all your look requirements;)

7: Cute! Average ranking

6: Cute...but something is missing

5: ok..

4: funny looking and weird..

3: a no no (ugly!)

2: no comment.

1: umm..(this is the one where making faces would be the only description..)

So there you have it, this is pretty much how we may rate guys. Then again, just to be clear, we rarely  rate! And honestly we change our minds quickly by the actions guys if your a guy reading this, just be a gentleman. It's more likely that a girl will find you attractive that way, although looks are definitely a plus:) but anyway hope you enjoyed reading this:))

Silent Dreamer

PS: I just did this for fun! So don't think that I do this all the time unless me and my friends are bored or something k? Ok. Peace! :)